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Kolam Designs and Rangoli Kolams: Indians love colors, and it’s natural to show the love

Kolam Designs and Rangoli Kolams: Indians love colors, and it’s natural to show the love for colors in many ways. Indian Rangoli is a unique artwork which is practiced throughout India. All houses are adorned with this beautiful kolam, kolam designs, rangoli kolams during special occasions like festivals, marriage, etc. There are many rangoli or kolam patterns which are used to make colorful designs on the floor. Kolam competitions are held every year to encourage this unique art. Here is a collection of Beautiful Kolam designs which you can try at your home.

Rangoli is traditional Indian form of art which decorates the entrance of the houses in the early morning.Rangoli is originating from two words. In which “rang” means colors and “holy” means the celebration. So the rangoli is the artistic celebration. Traditionally the design is made to celebrate the auspicious occasion.It is also a form of welcoming guests and relations during the festival times.So it brings joy and happiness to everyone in the house. The primary purpose of rangoli is decoration, and it is thought to bring good luck. The people believe that they invite all the gods to visit their home and give the blessing by the perfect form of rangoli.

Rangoli is an adornment, and it has different names in India. In Tamilnadu, it is called as Kolam. In Bengal, it called as Alpana. It has various names based on the states. It is a geometric drawing created with rice flour. People use many color powders to decorate the kolam. So it improves your creativity in the drawing.Depending on which part of India, there are different reasons based on local culture for rangoli. Most of them denote the many scientific reasons. It shows how a vibration can lead to a geometric pattern. It is a well-established fact in neuroscience that shows actual responds and activities of the brain.

Scientific Reasons Behind the Rangoli

Behind the art of rangoli, there are a lot of scientific reasons is available. The positive-brainwaves release when we are looking at Kolam. So it will make your mind comfortable, relaxed and happy. Drawing a kolam is the great exercise to your body which strengthens your backbone. When you draw a kolam, your creativity will increase, and it improves your concentration.It requires a lot of focus and patience to draw a rangoli. It also reduces your stress and improves the activities of the brain. When you pass thru the rangoli, you will disconnect from the past and the future.

Whenever you enter a house with rangoli kolam, the color will bring peace on you. Turmeric powder and kumkum also used in Rangoli while decorating the designs. The ladies coming out to draw the kolam will get the benefit of ozone.Previously the kolam was drawn only by using rice flour. Small birds like squirrel, sparrow and other tiny insects like ant will eat the rice flour. It is one of the five yagnas followed by everyone. It is also the process of sharing with all human being. The number of rangoli designs used to rounded and sharp corners. Rangoli designs were inspired by the shapes of flowers, coconut, flowers, traditional arts, etc. In some special occasions, limestone and brick powder are used make contrast of rangoli.  The bright red border enclosing the kolam is believed to prevent evil and undesirable element entering the houses. During the Pongal festival, within the kolam designs, firewood is used to cook the rice. The Pongal is set up in the direct view of the Sun. The Pongal can be prepared in the kitchen and brought to the location where the kolam is set up.It shows how the Hindus give importance to the kolams.

The kolam is a beautiful art, and it symbolizes the happiness. The kolam is free hand drawing. It has no instruction to follow. It depends on your creativity. The ritual kolam pattern creates for some special occasions like the wedding or any other traditional functions. The people never welcome a day without the kolam. So it becomes a part of the Hindus tradition. It genuinely connects with the Indian Culture. On the day of the festival, family members jointly draw the kolam with rice flour. It is drawn in plain as well as colored. The kolam defines the sacred area where the function is going to celebrate.

The various material is used for painting the Rangoli.Some people’s use rice flour to draw a rangoli. Some people use chalk to draw a kolam. In some cases, floor stickers are available to decorate. Some peoples paint the floor by filling rangoli designs. But in traditional, people use only rice flour to draw a rangoli.There are varieties of kolams are available. Some of them are pulli kolam, neli kolam, kambi kolam, sikku kolam, and rangoli kolam. Except for the rangoli, rest of the kolams are drawn with many dots. It is not easy to complete. It needs a lot of concentration. It gives excellent training to our mind. Whatever the situation, we must learn to emerge out of them tactfully.

How to Draw a Rangoli

There are two ways to draw a rangoli, i.e., dry and wet. The materials like white chalk, sand, paint, or rice flour are used to draw an outline for rangoli. Based on the shape, the artist creates the design for rangoli.

Once the draft is complete, the artist chooses appropriate color to fill the rangoli. They also use some colorful flower, leaves, grains, seeds, flower petals, colored salt, sand, color paper, shining sheets, paints, or any other attractive material to fill the rangoli. Mostly peoples use color powder to fill the rangoli. It looks impressive and attracts more than any other materials. Rangoli shape, design and material follows the traditions based on the states. A square grip type is common in North India; Onam rangolis are basically in a circular shape and decorates using flowers. There are many modern, and traditional rangoli designs are available. Most of the designs are inspires by nature.

The kolam is supposed to honor, Lakshmi Devi, the Hindu Goddess to invite her blessing into the home. It is the best artistic way

for everyone to start the day auspiciously. So for many people who loves art, the rangoli design can trigger an excellent experience inside them. It varies from person to person.

The rangoli designs always look complicated. The negativity will get entangled in the complexity of the rangoli kolam and fails to enter the house. So the rangoli absorb evil and prevent us from affecting by the negative power.



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