Bhutan Teer Result

Bhutan Teer is a very popular gambling game played in Bhutan. The game is operated with the help of Bhutan Government.

In this article you can find out complete details about Bhutan Teer game and Bhutan teer result.

What is a Bhutan Teer game?

This is a getting game and the lottery tickets for the same are sold from 10.00 AM to 3.30 PM. At 3.30 PM sharp, the meting of Toxophilite begins.

The framework of betting is pretty straightforward. A part needs ocalculates the last two digits of the total number of bolts which are shot in a day. Participant which gets the right digit is the winner.

The game is played in two rounds.

First round begins at 3.45 PM and the second round is played at 4.45 PM.

In the principal cycle, 50 toxophilite shoots 30 bolts and in the resulting one only 20 bolts are shot.

This lottery game occurs for 6 days in seven days. Sunday the game remains closed.

Bhutan Teer common number and counter number

There are numerous people who participates in this game to try their luck and win amazing prizes. However, you must be aware that winning of Bhutan Teer game is based on the target numbers and common numbers. These numbers generally change daily and you should no miss to check them out if you really want to win this gambling game.

But, do keep one thing in mind that sometime it happens when these numbers do not change and remain same the other day also.

It is generally look like as below

Direct House Ending
73, 82 5 1
66 4 3

Bhutan Teer Winning Numbers

If you are looking for Bhutan Teer winning numbers, you are at right place. Generally, the Bhutan teer result is published at 4.10 PM and 5.00 PM. These results can be obtained from the official website of the Teer game. Result of almost entire Bhutan is published on this website.

What is Bhutan Teer target number?

Bhutan Teer target numbers are the numbers which are predicted from the past results. These are the main numbers which has the most likelihood to be the lucky numbers for your next draw of Bhutan teer result.

What is Bhutan Teer Hit Number?

You can track down the latest Bhutan Teer hit number close by the Bhutan Teer house completing number. The hit number of Bhutan teer involves house and ending number and the last Teer champions Bhutan Hit Number will open from 2.30 PM to 3.00 PM. Here the players can visit the official website to see the reports of Bhutan Teer Hit Number, Bhutan Teer Hit Common Number and Bhutan Teer house Ending number.

Bhutan Teer Common number Today

Participants here no convincing motivation to worry about the step-by-step target numbers of the Bhutan Teer as in the light of fact that we are here to get you out of it.

Winning in Bhutan Teer game is not straightforward. Also, it is not an air pocket gum, just chomp and throw.

You need to be more significant else you need to face true hardship. Do not worry as we are here to control you.

You can get direct numbers and hit numbers of Bhutan Teer game. Moreover, we give Bhutan Teer Hit numbers.

Block numbers of Bhutan Teer game are 24,25,66,96. These numbers are removed unmistakably on explicit assessments.

So, you should consider then at your own risk. We do not offer an account of teer, moreover you should check the Bhutan Teer Dream number for more correct guess.

Also read: Shillong Teer Common Number

Bhutan Teer Dream Number

Truth is there is no specific dream number for Bhutan Teer game. It will look entertaining in case we state there is discrete dream numbers for every Teer game. But simultaneously we suggest you to imagine your last night dreams and then set the goal for the present Bhutan Teer game.

What is a Bhutan Teer Equation?

The Teer game recipe is the only equation which is utilized to ascertain the triumphant number from the earlier days of Bhutan teer result. There are many specialists which have their own equation to compute the triumphant number and the numbers mentioned above are also determined by a unique Bhutan Teer champion.

How you can check Bhutan teer result

If you are willing to check the result for Bhutan Teer gambling game then you should follow below steps.

  1. First you need to visit the official website of Bhutan Teer i.e.,https://teerbhutan.com. From this official website you can check the correct result as it may be possible that sites other than official site nay display incorrect or wrong information regarding the result.
  2. On the official website you can check the winning number and can match it directly with the number mentioned on your Bhutan Teer ticket. If you are lucky enough to be the winner you are eligible to collect the Bhutan Teer price.


  1. What is a Bhutan teer game?

It is a very famous game based on archery and is also authorized by the Bhutan state government.

  1. What is the first prize winning about from Bhutan teer game?

You can win up to Rs. 76 Lakhs from this game.

  1. How I can check my Bhutan teer result?

You can check the result on the official website of Bhutan Teer i.e.,https://teerbhutan.com

  1. At what time Teer results of Bhutan are declared?

This game is played in two rounds and the results are declared at 4.20 PM and at 5.00 PM.

  1. Is the game of Bhutan Teer legal to play?

Yes, the game is 100% legal to play in Bhutan as it is authorized the by Bhutan State government.

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