iosms employee login

You can quickly get your iOSMS payslip online from the official website,i.e.,www.osms.wbsed.gov.in

You can easily download the iOSMS primary teacher payslip, salary slip, and more from the official website.

After the integration of the iOSMS in the education field of West Bengal, it will be very easy to check the monthly salary slip of the school teachers. The service also offers the facility of downloading primary teacher payslips.

The iOSMS offers services for six different users who are webmaster, school-level user, circle-level user, sub-division level user, district label user, and state-level user.

Eventually, to avail of these services, the visitors should select the correct user type on the official website.

The development of iOSMS has helped primary school teachers across the state enjoy hassle-free services.

The iOSMS also maintain salary calculations, i.e., part salary, user management through child log-in, employee transfer, upcoming OTP-based login, etc.

So, apart from monthly salary records,the individual can be aware of certain notifications related to the profession.

iOSMS pay slip

This article covers essential details regarding the iOSMS primary teacher payslip. If you are a primary teacher employed by the West Bengal government, then check out the following content.

Below you can find the complete steps of iOSMS V2 login online, and here are the steps to complete the payslip download for primary teachers. You can also check the answer to how to change the iOSMS password and how to complete the payslip registration.

You need to follow the steps below to check the payslip or log in to the iOSMS account.

  1. First, you need to visit the official website,i.e.,https://psms.wbsed.gov.in/
  2. After that, click on the login option.
  3. Now you need to select the user type, and after that, you have to enter the user ID and the password.
  4. Now enter the CAPTCHA code and then click on the login button.
  5. After that,you will be in the payslip dashboard.
  6. Now you can check the monthly slip. Here selects the month in which you want to check the payslip, and you are done.

iOSMS V2 login online payslip download

Once you are done with the login process, you can check the salary slip with your ease. To make sure that you are able to login, you should have the required credentials.

Some mandatory credentials must be provided during the time of login. These credentials are the user ID and password. With these two required credentials, you can easily access the personal iOSMS teacher salary slip details exclusively.

Apart from the login details,it would be best if you also had a computer or a laptop and a good internet connection. But you can also go to a computer café and can login to the system to check your payslip.

You can follow the below steps for the same.

  1. First, you need to visit the official website of iOSMS,e.,the integrated online salary management system,i.e., osms.ebsed.gov.in
  2. After that, on the home page, you can see the login option on the right-hand side. Click on it to proceed further.
  3. Now on the login portal, you have to select the user type; after that, enter your login details like user ID and the password.
  4. Now you have to enter the CAPTCHA displayed on the screen.
  5. Finally, click on the login option.
  6. On the following web page, you can also select the month and year to check the payslip of the desired year and month.

iOSMS primary teacher pay slip

Every teacher who is underemployed by the West Bengal government is required to check the monthly salary slip as the teachers are paid every month, so the payslip is available every month also, which needs to be checked.

Every individual who wants the payslip for the desired month should generate it online from the official website.

You can check the multiple details corresponding to specific projections in the payslip. So, details related to installment deductions, GPF, PF, and tax projections should be crosschecked on the slip.

Apart from the payment details, you can also check the duty-related details. These details would be the total number of duty days. Likewise, the salary slip also mentions the number of leaves taken from a particular month.

Apart from providing monthly payment information, the iOSMS salary payslip also has a major significance. It validates the employment as a teacher under the West Bengal government.

During times you should need to confirm the employment where you can produce the iOSMS payslip. So, to produce the salary slip, you should be able to download it first.

Also read: ITBP Pay Slip

iOSMS registration online

iOSMS online registration is necessary for all employees if you need to take advantage of online services. After the registration, you can also view monthly payslip details and many other things.

Approach the nearest district headquarters or the school education department office to register yourself with the supporting documents. After that, you should note down the username and the password for login purposes.

For registration in the iOSMS portal,you can visit the nearest school education department officials and the district headquarters. You can also visit the nearby government office for the iOSMS V2 registration method. You have to bring all the below-mentioned documents for the registration process.

  1. Email ID
  2. Mobile number
  3. Address proof
  4. School details
  5. Personal details

These details are required to register yourself on the official website of iOSMS. Enter your school details and then complete the personal information like payslip, designation, full name, etc. After the registration, you have to note down your user’s name and the password for the login purpose.

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